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Protest against deportations in front the White House

Notimex| El Universal
16:05Saturday 05 April 2014

The president is being reminded of his campaign promises, said the organizers. (Photo: REUTERS )

The protesters want to remind Obama of his promises to reform the immigration laws

Hundreds of people protested in front of the White House demanding the end of the deportation processes to president Barack Obama.

The organizers of the protest warned that they would take their fight to the very gates of the White House, saying that immigrants, their families and supporters would remain there for an indefinite time.

“We are figuring out how we are going to do it, because the permit we got from the Park Service has too many restrictions”, said Marisa Franco, from the group “Ni una mas deportacion”, one of the organizations behind the protest held on Saturday.

Franco said that the idea behind the protest is to “remind the president every day about the promise he made at the beginning of his government and to let him see the damage that deportations are causing to the families of immigrants”.

In the first five years of the government of Obama, the number of people deported has reached almost two million, more than the previous two governments.

An analysis by the Pew Research Center shows that half of the illegal immigrants deported in 2013 had criminal records, but almost half of them for traffic offenses and other lesser crimes.
