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Mexico condemns the execution of Ramiro Hernandez

Silvia Otero| El Universal
20:08Wednesday 09 April 2014

Ramiro Hernandez Llanas, charged with murder and rape was executed in Texas.. (Photo: AP/Archive )

The Mexican Foreign Ministry said that the U.S. government should have stopped the execution of Mexican convicted of murder and rape

The government of Mexico expressed its strongest protest and outrage regarding the execution of the Mexican Ramiro Hernandez Llanas in Texas, who is the fourth Mexican who died by lethal injection in the United States.

The Mexican Government cited that the execution is a violation of the decision of the Internationl Court of Justice on the Avena and Other Mexican Nationals Case ruled in March of 2004. 

Hernandez Llanas was executed and pronounced dead at the prison in Huntsville, Texas, around 18:00 hours central time today.

In a statement, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE) confirmed the death of the Mexican, after state courts rejected the argument about his mental disability.

For this reason, "the Government of Mexico expresses its strongest protest against the violation of the Avena Case by the United States, in which the country was obligated to review and reconsider the  death sentence imposed on Mr. Hernandez Llanas, an obligation that applies to the other 50 Mexicans involved in the case." 

In its message, "the Government of Mexico urges to the U.S. to take effective action to prevent that the state of Texas, or any other state, carry out the execution of any Mexican under the Avena Case in order to fulfill their international obligations. "

The SRE expressed "its deepest condolences to the family of Mr. Hernandez Llanas, who we will continue to provide consular assistance. Upon request of the Hernandez Llanas family, this support will remain in the transfer of Mr. Hernandez remains to Mexico."

