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Repair diagnosis for L12 will cost 2 million dollars

Johana Robles| El Universal
17:31Tuesday 08 April 2014

I The diagnostic will be finished by July, and not in five weeks like Mancera said. (Photo: Archive/ELUNIVERSAL )

The complete diagnosis will be delivered in July, according to a press release from the Secretariat of Works and Services of Mexico City

The diagnosis by French company Triacaud Societè Organisè (TSO) on the problems of Line 12 of the metropolitan subway system will end on July and will cost  about 2 million dollars, instead of the 1.9 initially informed, said the Secretariat of Works and Services of Mexico City (SOS).

In a press release, the office confirmed the start of the preliminary works on the elevated sections of the Line 12, partially suspended since March 12 due to technical failures on those bridges.

The SOS said that the French company will deliver the information starting the second week of May, but the full diagnostic will be ready by July, even when the authorities first stated that the whole process would only take five weeks.

The work by TSO will consist of “topography surveys, the state of the rails and the ballast profiles, controls of solder geometry, lab verification on the characteristics and quality of the ballast, fixing elements and railroad ties. They will also check the interface between wheel and rails”, said the SOS.
