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First gay marriage is celebrated in Tulum

ýAdriana Varillas / correspondent | El Universal
17:30Tuesday 12 August 2014

Airalí Fuentes and Molly Ann Sturdevant. (Photo: Adriana Varillas / EL UNIVERSAL )

Airalí and Molly Ann signed the marriage certificate which recognizes their union before the law.

Surrounded by family, friends and members of pro-sexual diversity organizations in Quintana Roo, Airalí Fuentes, 35 and Molly Ann Sturdevant, 32 married this morning at the Civil Registry of Tulum. 

After eighteen months of legal battle to get married, they signed the marriage certificate which recognizes their union before the law. 

"We are very happy to celebrate and share our love with all the community in the state of Quintana Roo," said Airalí. 

"I am very happy for her, because it marked a turning point in the history of this city. They are married and will have the same rights as a heterosexual couple." said Airalí's sister. 

"We are all equal, we feel the same love, no matter the color, sex, religion or whatever, " she also said.  

The Mexican Constitution states in its first article that everyone is equal before the law and discrimination based on gender, sex, race, religion, creed or sexual orientation, is forbidden. Under this provision, the Court overturned the refusal of the Civil Registry to celebrate the wedding. 

The Civil Registry of Tulum is based on the traditional family model, consisting of father, mother and children and two women could not fulfill the purpose of marriage: procreation. 

The Court concluded that such considerations violate the international treaties, Mexican Constitution, and human rights, resulting in discriminatory acts.

"Based on this judgment, all Civil Registry offices in Quintana Roo must have marriage license applications for same sex couples. The Court ordered the state to prevent further discrimination against homosexuals," said the defense lawyer of the couple, Fernando Rodríguez Izquierdo. 

